pDEST15 E. coli expression plasmid

Cat: MOFY-0123-FY54
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  • Specifications
  • Plasmid Information


Species SourceE. coli
Size2 µg
CompositionProkaryotic resistance: Ampicillin Amp;
Cloned strain: Escherichia coli DH5α;
Culture conditions: LB medium, 37°C.
BufferRefer to COA

Plasmid Information

Regulatory StatusFor Research Use Only
ShippingDry ice
StorageStore at -20 °C.
References1. Nakayama, M., & Ohara, O. (2003). A system using convertible vectors for screening soluble recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli from randomly fragmented cDNAs. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 312(3), 825-830.
2. Gnidehou, S., Gerbaud, P., Ducarme, G., Ferreira, F., Badet, J., Malassiné, A., ... & Frendo, J. L. (2011). Expression in Escherichia coli and purification of human recombinant connexin-43, a four-pass transmembrane protein. Protein expression and purification, 78(2), 174-180.
For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use.
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